Sunday, 25 September 2016

Reasons to be Cheerful: Back to School again #R2BC

I am even later this week joining in with Michelle as its been so busy! It isn't because I am feeling sad though... Here are my reasons this week:

1) Back to school

Last weekend I went to my old High School's 50th anniversary and saw some girls and teachers I hadn't seen for 27 years! A fabulous afternoon reminiscing and exploring the school. Here we are recreating what it was like in our 5th form classroom:

2) Fun with friends

I then went to stay with friends in Windsor for a rare chance for us all to be together without any of our 9 children! Bliss. I even got made a dippy egg for breakfast:

3) Gotta read them all

My teaching assistant finally had time to set up my Pokemon themed reading corner. Hoping it inspires more of the children to actually read...

4) Another Open Evening

My son went to look at his other main choice of secondary. This time its the one his sister attends and she had her photograph up in the English department:

She was being a tour guide and I only bumped into her twice in the 3 hours we were there! I enjoyed catching up with my old colleagues and other parents and my son loved the han.ds on activities. Its going to be hard for him to choose so its just as well he still has a year left to do it...

Join in and share what it making you happy this week