Sunday, 14 March 2010

Mother's Day Musings

Today was bound to be strange as the first one as a single mother and not part of a couple. So to a large extent it was going to be very much like any other Sunday as it isn't the case that Mother's Day sends out magic vibes and stops all toilet training accidents or children's tantrums for the day! (Wouldn't it be good if it did?) But I tried to relax more and let myself enjoy the positive sides to my beautiful children and not let the negatives get me down...

It started off well with a small body appearing at first light saying:

You're the best mummy in the whole wide world

then quickly snuggled back to sleep letting me sleep until nearly 8 AM - almost a lie-in! Then my big girl popped up and headed off to get the breakfast in bed sorted (I had laid most it out last night!). So we all tucked into croissants on my bed whilst they watched CBBC and I read a novel.

Afterwards it was time to open all the "secret" cards & handmade gifts that had come in from school, nursery & playgroup. There is so much more pleasure in receiving things they had made themselves:

The kids actually managed to mostly get dressed by themselves whilst I showered. Every outfit I tried on O said:

Mummy you look beautiful

That lad will go far! E just told me things were too plain and I needed something pretty to wear... Then not too much arguing to get them out of the house for church.... I got a lovely bunch of daffodils presented to me by E on behalf of church. 

Back home after coffee and E gets a quick lunch ready.... 20 minutes later we sit down to an interesting mix of cold meat, cheeses, crackers, dried fruit, crisps & chocolate cake... Tasty but not very healthy!

I will gloss over O's meltdown as he had recovered by the time we were well on way to the Old Town. It was lovely watching my kids walking along the pavement hand in hand - I just wish they were always that nice to each other. Across the top of West Hill and the sun came back out before our descent to the yummy bakers at the bottom of the hill.. Cakes eaten it's straight into the funfair for a few rides. Joy on the kids faces as they whizz around on the carousel...

After being in town for 7 years I finally take the mini train to the Aquarium - quite a fast ride and we have it all to ourselves! Almost as fast around the aquarium - good job we are members...  Then a stroll along the promenade to the Chinese for an early tea. Kids love the buffet style and I just need to get O to be more adventurous than sausages & chips ;-) Funds raised by Operation Downsize now depleted to we walk home & curl up on the sofa watching original Black Beauty (Not Sean Bean version).

At this point things go back to normal so I will draw a veil over them....

To sum up I really enjoyed my day with the kids. I'm sure future Mother's Days will be more relaxing as they get older and more independent. But I will always treasure the innocence of their handy work..

And not forgetting the fact my STEP daughter called me to wish me Happy Mother's Day! I love her so much too xx