
Thursday, 16 February 2017

Reasons to be Cheerful: Nearly Half Term #R2BC

As an NQT and a parent its been quite a stressful half term so I am so happy next week is our break! Luckily there are always some things that keep me smiling and sane so that I am not totally stressed out.. Here are a few from this week:

1) Flowery treat

Nothing quite like bargain roses on the 15th of February. One of my favourite flowers and with no significant other to treat me it was nice to be able to treat myself:

2) First snowdrops

There is always something special about seeing your first snowdrops. It heralds that the end of winter is nigh and that spring is nearly here:

3) New running shoes

After nearly 2000 kilometres I finally gave in and replaced my running shoes. A wonderful treat for my feet:

4) Enjoying historic Kendal

I love the mix of architecture and history when you walk around Kendal. This is the castle peeking over behind some of our Almshouses:

5) Old fashioned family fun

I like winter evenings as we are more likely to get a board game out and turn off the TV:

So please join in the most cheerful blog hop around! Share the love by visiting the other linkers too and I will pop over and leave a comment plus share your post.

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