
Monday, 20 February 2017

Reasons to be Cheerful: Me Time #R2BC

I have enjoyed a few days without my children before getting back together with them. Its so important for me to be able to a) unwind b) catch up on things without children needing adult intervention! So here are my first half of half term reasons to be cheerful:

1) Harry Potter Marathon

We are having a whole school Harry Potter themed World Book Day so I had an excuse to binge watch our entire collection (although the last movie is missing!!):

2) Furry Family

My daughter has decided that as she neglects the guinea pigs that they would be better off being mine. I am actually very happy to be responsible for the little cuties:

3) Overdue Hair Do:

School holidays meant a chance to finally get my hair cut as it was out of control! I never have the time to get it look how the hairdresser manages it though:

4) Shiny Oven

When I bought my oven I took out the option to have it cleaned once a year. Last year I didn't know how to do this so I made sure I had it done this time. It looks as good as new:

5) Finding Treasures

I have been catching up on the housework and trying to restore order into the house whilst the children were away. This is one of the lovely finds I made whilst going through a pile of items in my bedroom. My children in 2008:

I hope folks will not only join in this week but will also take time to visit each other's blogs. I will endeavour to comment and share on all of the blogs in the hop when I am not out and about enjoying being with my family!

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