
Friday, 10 February 2017

#FitnessFriday Season's Best

I am really starting to get folks comment on the changes in my body shape with 11 1/2 pounds off:

It will be harder to keep it up now I've done the easy bit. Keeping up the running - now at 108 km - will help but I will need to be more careful about what I eat. I have been careful about wine now that it is back on the allowed list but will need to be organised about my diet. However the running is going from strength to strength.

On Saturday we were on the alternate hillier, loopy Fell Foot parkrun course. I lined up at the new approximate time sign I thought I would achieve:

My official finish time was just under 35 minutes although Strava was later as I forgot to stop it!

Before my son's Fell Race I squeezed in a 5km run up the hill and down again. The hill up doesn't seem to be getting too much easier but the downhill was:

I didn't get out again running until Wednesday as I had dancerise where I was biggest weight loser for January! The running on Wednesday was with the juniors over the golf course so some fast bits and some steep bits:

Last night I didn't want to run as I was tired and cold but it was my fastest 5km for 2017 by 1 minute! Look at my happy face:

I wonder what the next week will bring...

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