
Saturday, 25 February 2017

#CountryKids at Bamburgh Castle

Country Kids from Coombe Mill Family Farm Holidays Cornwall

I finally got to join my parents and children in Northumberland and on my first day we drove up the coast to Bamburgh Castle. It is visible from a long distance away and from close up its very impressive:

We wrapped up against the bitter wind and walked up the hill and in through the gateway:

Despite the cold we decided to explore the outside parts of the castle first including the impressive display of cannons on the battlements:

Monday, 20 February 2017

#FitnessFriday on a Monday! #FitBitchesMOVEment

Friday was a bit of a mad night as I was so late home from school thanks to the Lindal road works. It meant that I didn't have time to publish my fitness post and I have only just got around to it today. This makes for a double dose of me in my parkrun apricot! This was the one from a week ago Saturday when I had lost another 1.5 pounds and really starting to look slimmer:

Even more than being slimmer I shaved another 10 second off my parkrun time with an average pace of under 7 minutes/km:

I then went into town to Pete Bland's sports shop and bought some much needed new road shoes:

On Sunday I went out and tested them by trying out a new route up Hospital Hill and then back through Natland:

Reasons to be Cheerful: Me Time #R2BC

I have enjoyed a few days without my children before getting back together with them. Its so important for me to be able to a) unwind b) catch up on things without children needing adult intervention! So here are my first half of half term reasons to be cheerful:

1) Harry Potter Marathon

We are having a whole school Harry Potter themed World Book Day so I had an excuse to binge watch our entire collection (although the last movie is missing!!):

2) Furry Family

My daughter has decided that as she neglects the guinea pigs that they would be better off being mine. I am actually very happy to be responsible for the little cuties:

3) Overdue Hair Do:

Thursday, 16 February 2017

Reasons to be Cheerful: Nearly Half Term #R2BC

As an NQT and a parent its been quite a stressful half term so I am so happy next week is our break! Luckily there are always some things that keep me smiling and sane so that I am not totally stressed out.. Here are a few from this week:

1) Flowery treat

Nothing quite like bargain roses on the 15th of February. One of my favourite flowers and with no significant other to treat me it was nice to be able to treat myself:

2) First snowdrops

There is always something special about seeing your first snowdrops. It heralds that the end of winter is nigh and that spring is nearly here:

3) New running shoes

After nearly 2000 kilometres I finally gave in and replaced my running shoes. A wonderful treat for my feet:

Friday, 10 February 2017

#FitnessFriday Season's Best

I am really starting to get folks comment on the changes in my body shape with 11 1/2 pounds off:

It will be harder to keep it up now I've done the easy bit. Keeping up the running - now at 108 km - will help but I will need to be more careful about what I eat. I have been careful about wine now that it is back on the allowed list but will need to be organised about my diet. However the running is going from strength to strength.

On Saturday we were on the alternate hillier, loopy Fell Foot parkrun course. I lined up at the new approximate time sign I thought I would achieve:

My official finish time was just under 35 minutes although Strava was later as I forgot to stop it!

Thursday, 9 February 2017

Reasons to be Cheerful: Proud Mum and Feeling Loved #R2BC

Whoop actually organised enough to have got this post ready in time this week! Thank you for joining in last week and I hope the other bloggers popped in to say "hello".. Here are my reasons to be cheerful this week:

1) Help at hand

We managed to misalign our door lock by having keys turn on both sides at the same time. We were left with a door that could only be locked from the inside - not a lot of good if you have to go out! Luckily my dad was able to come round and arrange for the landlord to sort it out whilst I went to work:

2) Thespian Daughter

My daughter was in her first senior school play at the end of last week. She had quite a few lines, including an awesome Mancunian accent, plus showing her "stiff upper lip":

3) Fell Running

Friday, 3 February 2017

#FitnessFriday Inch Loss and Weight Loss

I am so glad I am doing the weekly photo as this week there was a really noticeable difference from my start photo until Saturday. They say it takes about 4 weeks to really see a change and this was definitely it:

I have since got out the tape measure and I have lost 6 inches from legs, bust and waist which is an awesome incentive to continue! The re-shape didn't do too much for my time last weekend as it was so muddy and slippy but it wasn't too much slower:

As I have said before I am not following any particular programme with my diet but trying to be much more sensible and maybe only having boiled eggs for tea if I am not very hungry:

On Sunday I roped in Gramps to babysit so I could attempt my first 10k since June 2016! As you can see by my face I was very pleased to manage it:

Thursday, 2 February 2017

Reasons to be Cheerful: February is Here! #R2BC

A belated host post for this week! Its been a manic few days for me so only just able to sit down and write my own happy post for this week. Just because its been manic doesn't mean I haven't had a few reasons to be cheerful:

1) Pokemon Go

Yes we are still playing though not getting in quite as many long walks now its winter! Happy days to hatch one of the last baby Pokemon we needed for our Pokedex:

2) Simple foods

There is something to be said for going back to really basic and simple foods. I am doing my best to hit healthily and a supper of dippy eggs was a hit as well as being good for me:

3) Shiny Sink