
Thursday, 17 November 2011

Reasons to be Cheerful XXVI ( #R2BC )

Reasons to be Cheerful at Mummy from the Heart

This week's guest host is Clare at Seasider in the City. It's been a mostly cheerful week this week so here we go:

1) School Trip

For the first time ever I managed to go on a school trip with my daughter. Until now I was either working or had her little brother to look after when ever there was one on. I struck lucky and got a trip to Manchester. The photographs from the day featured in this week's Gallery. We went to Manchester Museum of Science and Industry (MOSI) and Manchester Jewish Museum both well worth a visit.

One of the lovely stained glass windows

The children on the trip were all very well behaved and it was such a pleasure to spend a whole day with them. I look forward to going on another trip sometime soon!

2) Operation 3rd Bedroom

For full news on this read this post but needless to say finally getting everyone in their own bedrooms for first time is a reason for all the family to smile! The children no longer have to share and get in each other's way. I can get my daughter to bed at a much more reasonable time as I don't have to wait for my son to go to sleep. One of the strangest reasons to be cheerful is that I can now get out of bed on both sides as my bed is no longer tucked up against a wall! My daughter is now on a Hello Kitty spending frenzy and turning her room into a girls only zone:

3) My children

They are becoming real whizzes on the scooters that they bought with birthday money:

Using them for the last leg of the school run each day is keeping us all fitter. People keep saying I need to get myself a grown up one to keep up (letter to Santa required I think!). My daughter has successfully ridden her brother's new big bike and we need to get him practising on her smaller one.

At swimming my daughter swam across the deep end without holding on at all for the first time ever! I knew she could do it she just lacked the confidence. Her teacher is giving her an extra back stroke lesson on Saturday so she can move on to the next level. My son is getting the hang of swimming on his front and just needs to gain enough confidence to ditch floats when on his back.

4) Mission Organised Mum

I set myself various goals of being more organised both for myself and my home back in September. I do think that I am in more of a routine now the children are in school full time - though things do pop up and get in the way! Swapping the rooms around is helping to organise the house better (though temporarily this has got worse...). I have persuaded my children to part with old toys through both selling them and giving to charity so that is both making space and getting them some money. A slow job but I'll get there in the end!

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1 comment:

  1. I love reorganizing and de-cluttering. It seems to make yur whole life more manageable. The outing sounds great - I read the post the other day. And scooters are a great idea.


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