
Saturday, 21 March 2020

Running in circles - Day 2

So it was our second full day of being isolated at home. I am trying to make sure we don't get stuck in a rut - even if it is just 48 hours in! I obviously can't get out for a run and haven't got a treadmill so I decided to recreate a parkrun as gardenrun. Here is my first timers' briefing:

I have to say that 155 laps was mentally tough and I couldn't get up much speed either! It did make me feel better though (and entertained my neighbour!):

Yesterday my son seemed to be non-stop eating so after my run I cooked us both bacon and scrambled eggs which kept him going for longer. Then I had another virtual coffee morning with friends.

Then it was time to clean up in the kitchen and rustle up some of my easy cupcakes:

My mini mission for the day was the cupboard which holds all the baking equipment and plastic pots. I decided that if I am going to be cooking more it needs to be more organised:

Where do all the spare lids appear from?

My son is feeling a bit better so he has done the plastic recycling, ran a smaller version of gardenrun and dug out a football. He has also played a bit on his Xbox as well as watching hours of YouTube! Come Monday will be interesting getting him to do the work set by school...

Later on I am going to try out a Hogwarts Digital Escape Room so I'll let you know tomorrow how that went. Right now its time to heat up some of my son's chilli con carne and serve it up with some couscous...

1 comment:

  1. We also went out and did some sport today - which is probably the first sport I've done in a decade or more. I'll blog about it tonight. Sounds like you've got the tight attitude. I'm going to go to bed later and meditate on getting the right attitude for us starting tomorrow,


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