
Sunday, 22 March 2020

Mother's Day - Day 3

Like many people for whom today was Mother's Day it was incredibly surreal. With social isolation and distancing I wasn't able to give my mum her card even though she only lives 1 mile from our house:

To cheer me up I joined the global trend of putting a rainbow in your window as a symbol of hope. There is also a virtual Easter egg hunt. Just hope the paint comes off as easily as folks say: 

In order to raise a few smiles I spent the entire day dressed as an elf! It did make folks laugh on the video chats I had... Of course going out for a Mother's Day lunch was off the cards. I made myself a ploughman's and sat out on the lawn for a picnic. My son also tried to teach me how to play Magic the Gathering:

As I am on roll with sorting out the house I carried on from where I had started and tackled the next cupboard. Lots of picnic gear now in the walk in cupboard and everything else rationalised:

With plenty of time on my hands I used some of our local meat and veg to make a beef stew. I have also attempted slow cooker bread... it isn't ready yet so no idea if it worked!

So that's today's positivity post and I only have another 11 days of being confined to  home!

1 comment:

  1. Wow you got very productive. Maybe it was the magic of being dressed as an elf? Happy belated Mother's day. xx


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