
Friday, 27 March 2020

Gardening and cooking - Day 8

We are now into the second week of isolation and still surviving! I once again kick started my day with a Joe Wicks live workout (how will we survive without him over the weekend...) which gets you feeling energised. Then I had another successful video tutoring session over zoom. I really think I will be using it when life gets back to "normal".

Today I chose to dress as Professor Sprout, can't think why a neighbour asked if the stress was getting to me:

The Herbology professor seemed a good choice as I decided to tackle the front garden to give it a much needed first mow and a little weeding/trimming session:

My mum dropped off some bread and we had one of our now long distance down the path conversations to maintain social distancing:

I had been given a few boxes of DVDs to try and car boot a few months ago. With the likelihood of car boots quite low I put the box on the edge of the garden and posted it on our community page:

It was such a lovely day that I made myself another mock pub ploughman's lunch to eat in the garden:

Having been given extra bread I decided to make the most of it. First of all I made a bread pudding:

Then as I had crusts to make breadcrumbs I used our chicken pieces to make nuggets:

Tonight I attempted to run a live quiz on my blog Facebook quiz. I think next time I'll try Zoom as I didn't like the one sidedness and no idea what the quizzers were doing!


  1. Oooh I wish I'd been eating at yours today. Don't you wish you could paint the houses opposite you in jolly colours, like your garden shed? Or even soft pastels just to brighten up the street a bit. It's what I call the property paradox - no matter how much you spruce up your own property, you still have to look at what the neighbours opposite do. Regroup here tomorrow if survivors. xxx

  2. Oooh I wish I'd been eating at yours today. Don't you wish you could paint the houses opposite you in jolly colours, like your garden shed? Or even soft pastels just to brighten up the street a bit. It's what I call the property paradox - no matter how much you spruce up your own property, you still have to look at what the neighbours opposite do. Regroup here tomorrow if survivors. xxx


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