
Thursday, 26 March 2020

Fairy Stuff - Day 7

It almost feels like we are living in a bubble having not been out for a week. Things in the outside world have turned upside down but we are mostly shielded as we haven't been out. I can't do much to help except by trying to keep everyones's spirits up and give ideas for how to keep sane whilst staying home to stay safe.

I kick started my day with Joe Wicks to help keep fit. It turned out to be extra mood lifting as not only did he accidentally punch himself in the jaw but his daughter toddled in and helped him with the cool down:

All of these sunny days have meant that a rare phenomenon has occurred and the bottom of my laundry basket has made an appearance:

Today's outfit turned me into a fairy:

Totally impractical for today's job of sorting out the stash and dash corner of the kitchen! It did make for plenty of fun though:

It was lovely being out in the garden and hearing plenty of other children in their own gardens making the most of the unseasonably warm weather. My son and I both worked on finishing one of my 1,000 point dot 2 dot puzzles:

Tonight I actually took the time to make a proper white sauce to go with a mid week roast. I am rediscovering some basic cooking skills I had forgotten I had!

Then we joined in with the Clap for Carers to support all the NHS workers and other key workers who are in the front line taking care of us. It was very emotional experience hearing the claps echo all the way around our estate.


  1. Love this! I have got the washing done too :) haha xx

  2. I was just marveling at your son's artistic skills when I saw dot-to-dot. Lol, as long as it was enjoyable. I need to start on the washing. I find that I'm actually getting less done because I have all day/week/month to do it.

  3. I missed this one. Your son sounds like a real gem. See you tomorrow for day 8. xxx


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