
Wednesday, 11 October 2017

#TheCoopWay The Co-op and One Foundation

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I was very happy to be offered a free lunch in return for promoting TheCoopWay and the Co-op's donations to the One Foundation and the Global Investment Fund for Water. My lunch was delivered to my home in a box insulated inside with wool:

I had been offered choices from the £3.50 meal deal which included a choice of potato or vegetable crisps:

With the aim being to promote the water charities I chose one branded and one own brand water. For the Co-Op own brand they donate 3p per litre to the One Foundation to help end water poverty in sub-Saharan Africa. For the branded water they donate 1p per litre to the Global Investment Fund for Water:

The One Foundation 
There are still 663 million people in the world without access to safe drinking water. Over 2 million people die every year from waterborne diseases and most are children under 5 years old. This needs to change.

It all began with a photograph in The Guardian newspaper of a Kiberan girl sat next to a padlocked tap in Nairobi, Kenya, back in December 2003. Having returned from 2 years motorbiking around the world, Duncan Goose, founder of The One Brand, decided to put the skills he’d learned in his advertising career to better use – launching the ethical bottled water brand One Water. The idea was simple; to sell bottled water in the UK and give away the profit to fund the provision of clean water in the world’s poorest communities.

Global Investment Fund for Water

Our plan is to use a one cent per litre contribution from the rapidly growing bottled water sector to create a catalytic investment fund for water and sanitation. 
663 million people do not have access to improved drinking water and more than 2.4 billion lack access to a basic, hygienic toilet. 
“If we can harness a fraction of the money generated from bottled water sales, and spend those funds wisely, we can make a significant contribution to ending water poverty for millions of people.” – Duncan Goose 
A Global Investment Fund for Water will aim to accelerate investments to help achieve the UN’s Global Goal on water and sanitation and encourage sustainable consumption and production of bottled water worldwide. 
#SDG6: “Ensuring availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all”

In April the Co-op signed up as one of the pioneering partners for this initiative and the first in the UK. 

So as I tucked into my yummy sandwich I could feel happy to know that I had made a small difference to tackling water poverty around the world.

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