
Saturday, 7 October 2017

#FitnessFriday a wet and muddy week

The one problem with walking everywhere to get fitter is that it reduces the amount of time you have for every thing else! So this post is late as I couldn't fit it all in yesterday... This week I have been experimenting with live videos whilst exercising as part of practising my video skills! So apologies for lots of heavy breathing and sweatiness...

I have had no weight change this week - although at my Well Woman check I weighed 3 lbs less than I do at home! So what has gone well or badly this week?

1) Diet

It has been a bonkers week and my diet always does wrong when I am busy! I had very short notice for a day's supply work and ended up with Peperami and crisps for my lunch as that is what my son likes to eat... I really need to improve on this part of being healthy!

2) Fitness

My foot still is not right so I have been a bit cautious. On Wednesday I had a chance to try it out on the Helm as I wasn't needed to help. It wasn't ideal conditions:

I did enjoy running on the soft ground until I fell over in the mud! 

As that felt OK I went out for a gentle road run on Thursday. I attempted to run it non-stop instead of intervals but I had to have a couple of breaks. Still pleased with just coming in at 34 minutes:

Yesterday I decided to go out cross country and ran into 2 problems 1) work on water treatment plant led to running out of route 2) too much mud

Still it was a reasonable run that I managed to turn into 5 m when I found more grass after a short walk on road:

Today we were celebrating 13 years of parkrun at a very wet and muddy Fell Foot parkrun! It wasn't the conditions for pushing myself but I was pleased with being under 34 minutes. My son wasn't as happy with 25:

He may have won the muddiness prize:

Let's hope my heel lets me run next week!

3) 30 day challenge for butt, gut and legs

A new challenge which includes wall sits this month! Its tough in some places but at least I am a dab hand at squats after last month. I am taking my mind off the fact that wall sits are nasty by live videoing to the group that is taking part! It was 70 seconds today which is incredibly tough... Let's hope it makes a difference to my body and my fitness...


  1. I love it, love it, love it. I'm talking about watching your bust slowly disappear. xxx

  2. Need to get measured for a new bra me thinks!


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