
Thursday, 16 February 2012

Reasons to be Cheerful XXXVIII ( #R2BC )

Reasons to be Cheerful at Mummy from the Heart

This week the host is Seasider in the City but the linky works just the same. I've also been tagged by Mum in Pink Wellies for Thankful Third Thursday so I have to list 10 items that are making me happy and not just the usual 3! Better get cracking then:

1) Half Term

A week without being forced to all be ready by 8:30 and for all plans during day to end at 3 makes life so much more relaxing. Funnily my daughter gets up earlier during the holidays than she does on school days!

2) Friends

My son went to a friend's party last Saturday and was driven there by the boy's mum. He wasn't very well whilst there and when I went to pick him up (miraculously he had bucked up by the time I got there!) there were lots of mummies I knew there. Nice to catch up with other mums I hadn't seen for a while.

3) Family Fun I

We had a lovely Sunday afternoon with my mum and granny over at my parents' house. Having collected granny from her home we were treated to a yummy Sunday lunch before playing games and watching a movie together. With only one granny left its fabulous she is now in the same town.

4) Memories I

I had fun going through lots of my old traditional photos with my children this week. They have had a laugh looking at old pictures of myself and other members of my family and friends. I did manage to bring myself to throwing lots away so that saves some space too!

Me on the way to Swansea Uni Sports Society Dinner in 1993

5) Family Fun II

We had a lovely afternoon with my aunt and uncle at their house. All of us enjoyed playing with my cousins' old farm with its animals and tractors. There was also fun building Lego too.

6) MyFitnessPal

Several people I know have been raving about helping them lose weight so I thought I'd give it a go. As a little bit of a geek I love the fact that I can record all my food intake and exercise on my iPhone. It has really helped me to keep me within my calorie limits each day. This means I made up a bit for the week before and had an official loss of 0.5 pounds over a fortnight - not a lot but all good!

7) Family Fun III

As part of the above the children have been helping me exercise using the Wii. We've had lots of fun with Just Dance 2 and Zumba - all of get a good workout and have fun too.

8) Family Fun IV

Yesterday we went on a three generation hike near Beetham. It was a lovely day to be out in  the Cumbrian countryside. There will be a bigger write up soon. We especially loved the Fairy Steps:

9) Blogging Rewards

Last month I wrote an article for Anchor Elevenses today I finally had a chance to pick up the package I missed last Friday. When I got to the sorting office it turned out it was in fact 8 packages and all from Anchor. They contained lots of different bits of memorabilia for the 125th anniversary of Anchor Butter. One had broken in transit but these are the lovely things that survived:

10) De-cluttering

In may not be the fastest project in the world but some steps are being made. My children put 5 items each into a box to get rid of - so hard to get them to part with anything! I have also cleared off the desk in my bedroom except for things that "belong" there. Alongside reducing the number of photographs its progress despite having the children home for the week!

So now I have to tag 3 lovely bloggers to carry on with this (not expecting a post until the Third Thursday of March as this is being written so late. So I hand over the baton to:

And don't forget for normal R2BC posts please check out the linky:


  1. Half term has been lovely just for that reason, no getting up!

  2. Highly recommend Myfitnesspal! Been using it on and off for years. My anchor stuff has been arriving at work bit by bit, it's been quite funny!


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