
Thursday, 19 January 2012

Reasons to be Cheerful XXXIV ( #R2BC )

Reasons to be Cheerful at Mummy from the Heart

I am feeling very positive at the moment so looking forward to sharing everyone else's R2BC this week!

1) Getting on my soap box

I had a chance to talk live on BBC Radio Cumbria about the impact of toxocarra on my daughter's life as part of a debate on dog fouling. Anything I can do to make people aware of the potential devastating impact of not clearing up after their dog is a good thing. There is more about this on yesterday's post.

2) The great Lake District countryside

It was a marvellous weekend to get out hiking up the fells. I wrote a long piece about Loughrigg on Saturday and being able to be out of doors enjoying the wonderful landscape and stunning views whilst hiking with the family is definitely a top reason to be cheerful.

OK I just can't resist re-using this one again!

I don't anyone could fail to get a smile on their face walking along the banks of Grasmere on a perfect winter's day.

3) Family

My granny has moved to Kendal from Appleby to she is now really close by and I can visit her much more easily. Hopefully my children will also have more time to get to know their last remaining great granny.

4) Me

I've been good again this week and lost another 2 lbs making a total of 7 lb this year and an overall 1 stone 10 lb since I started at Rosemary Conley. This time I am determined to stay focussed and continue losing weight steadily and not have the yo-yo effect I had last year! The carrot of a 2 stone certificate for losing the next 4 lbs is a great incentive to look forward to.

Please go and see the other lovely people on the linky:


  1. Ohh well done, losing again and as for yoru local countryside, just stunning. You are a lucky lady.

    Mich x

  2. Well done on the weight loss, and that is a stunning photo so I wouldn't blame you if you used it everywhere!

  3. Congratulations on the weight loss, a fantastic reason to be cheerful.

    Dog fouling is a huge issue here as well, especially along the route to the local Infant and Nursery school. I think it's disgusting that someone could have a dog yet not be bothered to clean up after it. I have always picked up after my own dog. It's annoying enough when your child teads in dog mess, let alone the health risks because of it. Complaints have been made, yet the local council don't seem to be doing anything about the level of fouling.

    Herding Cats x

  4. 3 great reasons. I love the wonderful photograph and think you live in a beautiful part of the country. Glad your gran will be so near to you and also that you have managed to lose weight so sensibly.

  5. So many things of interest here: my family used to holiday in the Lakes when I was a child and I know it really well, it must be wonderful to live there and have the fells at your back door. It's great that you're publicising toxocarra, I know very little about it, except vaguely the danger involved and I hate to see all the dog fouling in Dublin :(

  6. I love the photo. Great atmosphere.


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