
Tuesday, 13 September 2011

One week down...

Well we've managed to survive the first week back at school and there are only 5 and 1/2 weeks to go until half term! So how's it all been going for the three of us since I wrote my New Term post?

Day one looking keen

My daughter

We'd had a few wobbles about going back to this school but she was pretty cheerful going in on day one. Trouble came when I brought her little brother in to start after lunch and she had a tantrum about leaving me to go back into school. After school she had quite a big tantrum in the car too. All a combination of tiredness and jealousy that her brother was still getting time alone with mummy! These tantrums have now subsided thank goodness.

I have been told that in class she has been lovely and really knuckling down to work. Apparently she got upset when told to stop work and go out to play! She's been good about reading her book to me after school and was very keen to do her first bit of homework. I do wonder how long that will last...

My son

He has been really keen and eager about school from day one and loves wearing his uniform. A very independent young man he hasn't needed me to cross the classroom door after the first day. He seems to be very well behaved and enjoying it all. Like his sister he is completely shattered by it all. Apparently he does nothing at school all day but it must be fun as he skips ahead of me up the path into school!


So far I've managed to get the children to school on time and we've only forgotten water bottles a couple of times! It's a lot easier having both children at the same school even if I have to go 3 times a day at the minute..

Well my backlog of things to do has gone down! Lots of change of address forms have finally been completed after 13 months at my new home. Hopefully I'll get a quicker turn around on paperwork now... (don't hold your breath!). 

I have completed a CRB check so that I can volunteer at the children's school once my son is full time. They are also looking for Midday Supervisors so I'm going to be applying to do that a couple of days a week (I can't afford to do it every day or I'd be spending all the 1 1/4 hours salary on fuel!). Lots of positive feelings about making good use of my time.

As for the house sorting its more at the planning stage with not a huge amount done so far. I'm nibbling at the edges but have instituted a 15 minute tidy up with the children every evening. The incentive for them is that we can re-arrange rooms so we each get a bedroom if all their toys are put away!

On Sunday I have a big event selling Usborne books at the Baby and Toddler Show at Kendal Leisure Centre so I'm going to have to start prepping for that. I'm hoping that this will give a real boost to my business by introducing me to plenty of new customers.

Oh and I've managed to sneak in a couple of mummy coffee drinking sessions and watched the shortened Kendal to Blackpool stage of the Tour of Britain (basically they went twice around Kendal due to the dangerous weather conditions!)

So its onwards and upwards for all of us!

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