
Friday, 4 March 2011

Flash Back Friday: Romantic Student Break

I am really loving this idea of Karin's and hope I can keep on joining in! Today I have to show a snap I've taken of adjacent pictures in my photo album from 1991:

The occasion of the joint photos was my first ever romantic break away with a boyfriend! For some reason we had detoured to Iron Bridge on our way to have a day at Alton Towers... Being a pair of equally impoverished students we were taking turns at paying for our accommodation and it fell to me to book a B&B via the Tourist Office. At the time my surname was Jones and when we arrived at the B&B the owner said she had expected us to arrive under cover of darkness as she thought it was a cover name! I was only 20 at the time so it was embarrassing enough having my first double room booking without such a comment....


  1. Bless! How adorable were you two? I hope it's a happy memory still and hope you had a good time at Alton Towers! ;) Thanks so much for joining in on #FlashbackFriday again Becky! You're a star!

    :) Karin

  2. I can imagine your embarrassment! *ahem* still Alton towers is such fun haven't been there for years now! Love it x

  3. I love looking back at old photos :)

    Thanks for sharing these,

    Kerry (aka Weebeastie) xxx

  4. Hehe.. Oh how embarassing! Fab phots & great idea! :)

  5. Haha what great memories Mr & Mrs Jones ;)


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