
Friday, 4 March 2011

Fitness Friday - Week 10

Spring must definitely having a good effect on my motivation as when I stepped on the scales at class yesterday I had lost 2 lbs! This is now over 1.5 stone since I began in the Autumn with nearly a stone just since I signed up for Fitness Friday in January. I thought it would a good time to test the Inch Loss side of the Rosemary Conley plan. When I started I was given a magic measure and I dutifully measured all the key body parts and clipped the tags on. Today I remeasured and I have lost a total of 21 inches across my body with an amazing 5 from my waist alone. So what did I do this week:

The kids went back to school on Monday so it was an end to the non-stop snacking of the holidays. I was able to take my time to choose the healthy options and stick to my calorie allowance. If I have a large lunch I can compensate with a salad only tea.

The Wii was turned back on at the weekend and I've done quite a few Tough Just Dance 2 sessions. I also finally got my eBay bargain My Personal Fitness Trainer out of its cellophane and set it up. After about 20 minutes of entering all my measurements it gave me my first targeted workout. So far I've done 2 upper body and 1 lower body workout. I have to admit that the morning after a 30 minute leg workout I found it hard walking upstairs... At my class I was back to the top level of exercise and it feels good to have a vigorous cardio routine.

The week ahead

The healthy eating is obviously back on track so I need to repeat what I did last week. Keeping a tally of my calorie intake has really helped. My graze boxes are now coming weekly not twice a week so that I can spread the higher calorie/fat snacks across several days. I have chosen to get the lower fat ones included more often so it balances out.

I am going to keep up my Wii exercise as well as being out and about more. The better weather means that we can be out walking or cycling a lot. It will be interesting to see as well what other sessions my fitness instructor has lined up for on the Wii (I have committed to 5 sessions a week!). Quite happily for me shifting all my books for the big sale on Saturday is a great fat burner and muscle toner! 

To see how everyone else is doing click on the logo at the start of this post.

1 comment:

  1. Oh Well done you! I am kidding myself that once I ahve had the second one I will lose weight


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