
Thursday, 27 August 2020

Garden Update


It has been a while since I have posted any updates on the garden improvements. Progress a bit patchy with a lack of funds and time! I was given a free pallet and it sparked a mini project of creating a bin hide in the front garden. I have since acquired another pallet and painted them both (mostly with leftover paints):

They looked a bit boring despite the colours so I used an idea I had seen online and bought hanging plant pots. A pack of 10 from Amazon (affiliate link) plus some pansies and violas from Asda has given them a real boost:

The hooks only worked on one pallet so I will need to find a plan B for the other one:

The oversized privet hedge has been the bane of my life since we moved in in 2015. This was after my landlord had trimmed it a bit:

Normally my uncle comes round a couple of times a year to chop it back for me! This year I have had to do the job all on my own:

I lose so much of the width of the garden and have to invest too much time trying to keep it under control. This was the state of it on Monday:

After giving it a short back and sides I decided to get a bit more brutal with the loppers:

So far in total I have filled 3 green bins with waste (good job my neighbour doesn't mind me using their's!) and there is still more to get rid of. I also need to chop quite a bit more off it:

My back garden has certainly changed a lot in 5 years:

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