
Sunday, 19 April 2020

Rainbow running and floor tiles - Day 31

As I had a second coat of paint to get on the loo walls I was up pretty early this morning. I needed to get it done as I had my violet rainbow run to do! In the end I headed out for a 10 km run at 11 which was pretty warm. I loved running out along the canal and river with my fairy wings on:

Having broken a few Strava segment PBs I was ready for a lovely cold Erdinger as not only is it alcohol free but its isotonic so perfect after strenuous activity:

After lunch I was able to put the shelves back up and put the tents and camping gear away neatly. Then I braved tiling the interestingly shaped section of the floor (I need to be brave about the skirting boards at some point!):

Whilst I was tiling my son went out and set a new 5k PB whilst doing his NHS Run 5/Donate 5/Nominate 5 challenge:

It was such a lovely evening we ate dinner outside and my son served me up this yummy dessert:


  1. I like the tiles very much. Desert in the garden sounds wonderful. xxx


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