
Tuesday, 24 March 2020

Cooking up some magic - Day 5

The realities of the new rules haven't really hit our home as we can't leave any way. We are settling into our isolation routines and I started off with my Joe Wicks live workout:

Then it was time to don today's silly outfit before hanging out the washing:

I was interviewed by CFR Radio about the rainbow on my window. They used some of it on their news bulletin which I heard this evening. It's great to know that the rainbows are spreading around the world.

My son was more enthusiastic about doing his maths work than his other subjects! He did ask to do some cooking which counted towards his food tech. He rustled up some cheesy crackers:

I went back to my kitchen mission and sorted out another chaotic cupboard, do I get a prize for finding a butternut squash from last summer? When things are back to normal I need to get my landlord to investigate the damp along that side of the kitchen as things are coming out distinctly musty!

My daughter is looking for something to keep her occupied whilst in lock down. So I dug out some bits and pieces for baking which have been taken up to her in isolation:

I put my teaching hat on for a little while I rustled up a British history quiz for KS2. There was also some prepping for the tutorial sessions that I have arranged this week.

Being able to have the time to cook a healthy, home-cooked meal from scratch on a term time week night was a bonus. This one included 3 of my 5 a day as I added swede to the mashed potato:

My daughter has set up a subscription to Disney+ so that's my entertainment sorted for a very long time:

Have you managed to get a new routine sorted if you are now having to stay at home? What are you doing to keep positive?


  1. it was a wenchie witch! Doing my best to stay sane ;-)

  2. I love the wench outfit. I think I missed Day 4. I'll have to go back and look for it. Keep having fun. xxx


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