
Thursday, 2 January 2020

My 2020 Challenges To Get Fit Before 50 #fitb4fifty

Having achieved my 2019 fitness goals its time to set out my challenges for 2020 so far, especially ones that are for before I turn 50 in October! This year I am dedicating my fundraising to CLIC Sargent and have target of £595 to reach...

I am sure more will be added to this but so far I have three main challenges and a few little ones:

1) RED January

I used RED January last year to help me kick start my fitness year. It used to be all about running every day but now its about doing something that gets you active every day - phew! So I will be running, walking and working out every day this month. I started off with tail-walking parkrun and a brief dip in Windermere on New Year's Day:

Let's see how I can mix it up over the next few weeks!

2) Manchester Marathon 

This was initially going to be my biggest challenge of the year with my first ever marathon. I am following a 3 run a week training programme and building up my long runs. For one run a week I have a running buddy to make sure I get out of the door!

3) Lake District Challenge

This was a moment of madness when I was tempted by an advert during the holidays! I will be attempting the 100 km Lake District Challenge over 2 days in June. It is something I can run or walk or combine the two. Let's just hope that I have recovered from the marathon in time...

There will be other events along the way and I need to sign up for the Grasmere Gallop and for the Dirty Double again. Watch this space for updates and please donate to a great cause to help me help children with cancer as so far I've raised £10!


  1. 'Fit' must be a relative concept because I'm wondering how much fitter you can get. I hope you reach all your goals and that you and your family have a happy and healthy year. xxx

  2. The red January sounds a really good idea, how it is going so far?


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