
Thursday, 21 March 2019

Reasons to be Cheerful: Sherlock, Girl Time and Mud! #R2BC

R2BC at Mummy from the Heart 

As the worst host ever of the linky I am back and still grovelling over lack of commenting! Really need to get a work/life balance... Here are some of my reasons to be cheerful this week:

1) Sherlock

This little dynamo is continuing to grow and show his personality. Hopefully puppy training will start to reap benefits soon!

2) Girl Time

The child I support in school had 2 days off last week which gave me a chance to enjoy a lunch out with my girl. We had fun at Pedro's Casa:

3) Mud, mud, glorious mud

You may have already seen my huge grin from the Cartmel 10km run. Who knew that running in rain, mud and water could be a reason to be cheerful?

get the InLinkz code

 R2BC at Mummy from the Heart


  1. Your bundle of fluff is so cute! glad you got to spend some time with your girl. Mich x

  2. Lovely photos including the one of you grinning that's not on this page, and wrt the commenting, I just want to say THANK YOU once again to both yourself and Michelle as I don't know if I'd be able to keep doing cheerful posts without this linky. Just knowing it's out there makes me try to write something xx

  3. Do shoes like that recover or do you have to buy a new pair? I like the sombreros - wishful thinking about the weather, eh?


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