
Friday, 11 January 2019

Kendal Winter League 2019: Race 1 Scout Scar

It was videoing the Kendal Winter League last year that really started the momentum going on my YouTube Channel. So with this year's competition starting last Sunday I am determined to:

  1. Video all the races
  2. Improve on my techniques and positioning for the films
I was combining videoing with being safety marshal on the gate at Scout Scar which meant that whilst I was close to the action (so close runners jostled me!), but it was quite tricky to film some of it! 

The first race was for the under 11s and under 13s which meant children from 8-12. This was a highly competitive and fast and furious race:

Once the 95 children had all finished it was time for the under 15s to take to the start line. This included my son as he had turned 12 before the New Year making him one of the youngest runners. They had a longer race of just over 2km and again there were some strong performances. My son was 13th out of 21 which was a great result for him:

The final junior race was the under 17s. Again some of these have only just moved up from the under 15 category but they all put in amazing runs:

The final race was the under 21s and seniors combined. A record breaking 323 athletes aged 16-78 thundered up the track towards me (it was a wee bit scary!). With such a big field there are a wide range of abilities and fitness levels, so the finish times ranged from 27 minutes to over an hour for the 5 mile race:

All in all a cracking start to the KWL for 2019 and let's hope for more great racing at Giggleswick this Sunday!

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