
Saturday, 5 January 2019

A walk to Kendal Castle #REDJanuary

The thing about this RED January lark is that it's addictive! Today is a non running day as yesterday I did a gentle 2 km with my daughter as she started her Couch to 5 km journey:

So I had planned on just doing my Davina workouts and my 30 day runners' workout which were enough to count. However seeing less than 2,000 steps on my Garmin didn't feel enough! So I dragged my son off his Xbox and we headed out for a walk. First of all through the cemetery in the gloom:

Kendal cemetery

Then up the path to the castle:

There weren't many people around to appreciate the castle in its floodlights:

Kendal castle

The town looked all twinkly below as the lights came on:


Can you spot the rabbit my son found?

There always has to be a run to the highest mound outside the entrance:

Kendal Castle

Then we went into the courtyard itself:

Kendal Castle

Kendal Castle

The lights around the castle really do set it off nicely in the gathering gloom:

Kendal Castle
Kendal Castle

Kendal CastleKendal Castle

Then it was dark walk back home along the old canal path:

Still only on 7,500 steps but it was a rest day!

1 comment:

  1. What a lovely place to be able to walk, must make it more enjoyable than walking round streets.


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