
Saturday, 29 December 2018

My Top Nine Videos on YouTube

fell running videos

This was the year my YouTube channel finally got some momentum thanks to my filming of fell running! It is such a shame the rules of making money changed just as it was taking off as I would have a steady little income from it... I need to boost my subscribers to match the views and then I can earn some pennies *blatant beg*

Meanwhile here are my top nine videos by views from the last 12 months:

1) 3 Peaks Fell Race on Pen Y Ghent

My son and I hiked part way up to film the brave souls setting out on this year's 3 Peaks Fell Race the marathon with mountains:

2) Grasmere Sports Senior Guides Race

I was working as a steward at this year's Grasmere Sports so missed my son's fell race. I did get out in time to film the Seniors with commentary by the legendary Pete Bland:

3) Anniversary Waltz and Teenager with Altitude descent from Cat Bells

My son again helped me to film the final descent of these races from side of Cat Bells. A stunning day to cheer on the runners as they headed for home:

4) 3 Peaks Fell Race - the finish

The race was so long my son and I had time to get to back to the finish to film all the runners who made it to the end of this gruelling race:

5) Kendal Mountain Festival 10km Trail Race

I was lucky enough to be able to capture this race both near the start on Beast Banks and then as the runners returned to the town. A great advert for the Mountain Festival:

6) Kendal Winter League Giggleswick Seniors

Kendal Winter League is hosted by Helm Hill Runners as a challenging series of races in our local area. Giggleswick is hosted by the school and nearly always seems to include snow! It also has a stream which needs to be crossed twice...

7) Kendal Winter League Barbondale Seniors

This is one of the most dramatic of the series to shoot. I again enlisted my son's help to film this one:

8) Kendal Winter League Giggleswick Juniors

This is a tough race for the little ones many of whom get very wet attempting the water crossing:

What has been your favourite one of my videos this year? It has been such a great pleasure meeting people out on the hillside and being told how much people look forward to seeing my film! I look forward to making more (and hopefully even better!) videos in 2019.

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