
Tuesday, 4 September 2018

Junior Bridge Weekend

My daughter was invited to a training weekend with the English Bridge Union. As it was down in Hertfordshire I went down with her to act as chauffeur and keep her company. We arrived just in time for tea and she made friends with 3 other teenagers whilst queuing for our hot dogs & chips! Then it was time for her first training session:

Then there was a tournament followed by Speed Ball Bridge until after midnight! The girls were sharing one lodge, the boys in another and a few of us parents squeezed into scout sized bunks in a third lodge:


At least I had the triple layer of bunks to myself and I could make use of my ancient Guide blanket:

In the morning it was a truly peaceful place to be:

The young people had more training on Saturday morning and then after lunch could take part in an activity laid on by Phasel Wood personnel. Then there was a big tournament followed by a team tournament. During the team tournament my daughter and her partner were paired with two girls who play bridge for the England team. 

On the final day there was more training and then a chance for another activity. During that time my daughter and her friends taught me the basics of Mini Bridge:

The weekend finished with a final tournament and then the awards ceremony. My daughter and her partner were awarded their teacher's group award for being so polite and entertaining all weekend! 

I learned quite a bit about bridge over the weekend having never played myself! My daughter seemed to pick up a lot of techniques and improved her play. She has asked to go back again next year and I would certainly be willing to take her again as I enjoyed the weekend myself - I just need to learn how to play a bit first!

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