
Tuesday, 31 July 2018

Three Musketeers at Williamson Park

Country Kids from Coombe Mill Family Farm Holidays Cornwall

It is nearly 2 years since we went to see The Hobbit at Williamson Park. Last week my daughter and I went along to this year's promenade performance by The Dukes Theatre. This year's production is The Three Musketeers and we followed the signs to the first scene:

We were there in plenty of time for my daughter to get us front row seats:

We had eaten on the way but had time to eat our dessert whilst waiting for the play to start. It was a lovely sunny evening:

After the rest of the audience had gathered we knew the performance was about to start when some animals wandered through the spectators and interacted with us:

Between scenes we had to walk to the next location. Whilst waiting we were entertained by the supporting cast of amateur actors. At this point I noticed what the English translation of the pub sign meant:

After a couple of scenes the sun began to set over Morecambe Bay:

It lent a a golden light to the proceedings:

On one of the longer walks between scenes the actors had mini scenes from the sides as we passed them:

We eventually crossed the English Channel and reached England:

By the time the last scene ended it was almost dark and the monument looked fabulous all lit up:

My son went the following night with my parents:

We all agreed that it was a very funny play but not as good as The Hobbit. I wonder what next year's production will be?

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