
Friday, 20 July 2018

End of an Era - Primary School is done

It doesn't seem like nearly 7 years ago when my son started in Reception at school. He does look oh so young on the obligatory first day at school photo:

He has mostly loved being at school (apart from Year 3) and coped very well with a change in primary for Year 4. Today was his leavers' assembly so I armed myself with a few tissues:

He obligingly posed for his last day at primary photo:

He definitely looks ready for secondary school even if I am not ready for him to be old enough! I am proud of how hard he has worked at school to improve his English from below expected to almost greater depth. His best results have always been in maths and he got the highest score in his school for SATs and only 1 mark off 100%!

I have loved watching him grow, develop and mature during his years at primary school and now I have to let him go more to continue his career whilst I stay at arms' length:


  1. Great news that you made soem money at the boat sale and yes they are oddly social events, als fab abotu yoru son overcoming his cycling fear. I bet there will be no stopping him now. Mich x

  2. Aw, love the two photos showing how he's grown up. Good luck to him on the next phase of his journey. xxx

  3. Happy tears are always good and your model guinea pig really made me smile xx

  4. Aww! Bless him. He looks so grown up. I hope you didn't cry too much....
    We had the leavers assembly for my girl on Wednesday and she finished school today. They really dragged the sad times out. hehehe

  5. Aha, disqus is back! I bet you felt great after that car boot sale. I hope it boosted the holiday coffers a lot. Such a lovely story about your son rediscovering his love of biking. Have a good week. xxx

  6. Chloƫ Skinner22 July 2018 at 13:24

    It's such an emotional time isn't it. My daughter has one more year of primary school left and I'm all ready starting to get overwhlemed by the thought! Good luck to you all as he moves on to the next, exciting stage of his life x

  7. Thank you! Make the most of year 6

  8. I remember my Daughter leaving Primary school, my niece has just left hers, such an emotional time for us parents as well as the children x

  9. Aww it is such a tough time, giving them space but making sure you protect them. I'm sure he will love high school though I have to admit I am dreading it when my two swictch over!

  10. Aww look how much he has grown! My daughter starts school in September so I have all this to come


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