
Monday, 23 July 2018

Back in the saddle

Country Kids from Coombe Mill Family Farm Holidays Cornwall

Now my son is back cycling we have borrowed my mum's bicycle to give him more confidence and get in some practice. It has meant that I have dragged my bike out of the shed so that we can get out and make the most of the cycle friendly routes around Kendal:

We headed out along the old canal and then up along the River Kent as far as Dockwray Bridge:

We turned around on the industrial estate before heading back down the river:

The river side pathways are great for cycling as they are smooth and very level. A new addition to cycling in Kendal is the pathway across where the common land at New Road has been landscaped:

We added a little extra by going around Abbott Hall park and taking in the Peace Pole:

Then we crossed back over the river to return home via the canal. All in all about 4 miles with virtually no roads. Here is the relive of our ride:


  1. What fun and in such beautiful country.

  2. Sophie Louise Buckle24 July 2018 at 10:04

    Those river side pathways look picturesque!! What fun you must have had x

  3. That's why I wrote 'country' instead of 'countryside'. :)

  4. How nice to have such great bike paths in town. It really did look like y'all were out on a country ride. #countrykids

  5. Great photos. We can't wait for Mini M to be more confident on his bike & get out on family bike rides #countrykids

  6. Coombe Mill (Fiona)28 July 2018 at 16:18

    That is such a clever little video, what is the secret to creating that route with pop up points for your photos? Kendall always looks so beautiful and exploring by bike looks perfect with so many flat off road pathways.

    Thank you for sharing with me on #CountryKids

  7. That's such a lovely route for you to enjoy together and perfect for building on his confidence too #CountryKids

  8. Elaine Livingstone29 July 2018 at 06:50

    Great that you now have a bike path you can use away from roads, and well done for brushing off your bike and going with him. A great afternoon pass time. Smooth and level sounds better than the roads round here

  9. I love places that have good cycle paths - looks fun #Countrykids x

  10. What a nice route. We have lots of cycle paths here and it makes such a difference.

  11. we got there then went backwards for 5 years so I am v happy!

  12. its an app called relive which links to strava

  13. yup now we can build in more tricky routes

  14. the road roads are very potholey!

  15. its good that more places are getting them

  16. Monkey is just starting to learn without his stabilisers. This looks like a great route I wish we had more cycle paths near us. At the moment we are confined to flat fields and parks. #CountryKids

  17. What great bike paths - looks like a nice, safe place to gain confidence! I wouldn't imagine kendal would be flat enough for easy cycling! #countrykids

  18. That does look like a great cycle route - lovely and level and virtually no roads. We don’t seem to have many good cycle routes like this near us which is a shame. #countrykids


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