
Wednesday, 25 April 2018

Sundeala Noticeboards

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I am still working on getting my house sorted properly and to be fit for purpose for being a  private tutor and having a child starting secondary school. We both need to be super organised and I am hoping to host tutorials at home which means I need to be fully equipped. 

One thing we an never have enough of are whiteboards and noticeboards to keep track of all our activities and to help us remember things. We have experimented with various ones over the years but they haven't all been that brilliant! This week I have learned about a British supplier called Sundeala who have been in business since the 19th century so they must be producing good quality products. 

They produce both white boards and notice boards which can even be combined:

There is a vast range to choose from with sizes to suit all needs, not sure I could justify one that would turn my whole wall into a steel writing surface! With a 25 year warranty they are built to last too.

The boards come in a variety of colours so they can go with any colour scheme in your home or office. The only trouble might be agreeing with my son which one to have:

A big plus in their favour is that they look after the environment by producing their boards from 100% recycled waste. They even clean and return the water used in the process to the local river. So this means not only good quality and wonderful looking boards but a big tick for being environmentally responsible:

So I had better get on with rearranging my house so I can work out just where to put one of these boards!

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