
Sunday, 10 December 2017

Fell Running Challenge #2 Kendal Castle

Country Kids from Coombe Mill Family Farm Holidays Cornwall

My son was very pleased to have had over 100 views of the two versions of his first fell running film in a week! So we headed down the road to Kendal Castle to film our second one. It was bitterly cold but no snow except in the distance as he ran up, around and down at the castle:


  1. Love that and love castles! X

  2. Wow well done on the run and facing the bitter cold, great video x

  3. Coombe Mill (Fiona)16 December 2017 at 09:20

    Wow it certainly looks like a cold morning run. He has quite a pace on him though, you must have to do a fair bit of running yourself to get ahead to film at each point! Well done to you both.

    Thank you for sharing with me on #CountryKids

  4. It look super chilly - well done to him he certainly has more stamina than me. Su #CountryKids

  5. Looks pretty tough to me! Well done him :) #countrykids

  6. Wow this is incredible! And what a great place to run! #CountryKids

  7. Wow I am super impressed! I don't think I could do that. Well done on the success of the first video too thats brilliant. #Countrykids

  8. Emma Chanagasubbay20 December 2017 at 22:48

    Wow this is so impressive! I which I could keep up like this! #countrykids


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