
Saturday, 2 December 2017

#CountryKids Simple Bird Feeders for Forest School

Country Kids from Coombe Mill Family Farm Holidays Cornwall

This week I had my first day leading Forest School with young children. I needed to have a simple activity that we could all do from age 3 to 6. So we first of all made simple bird feeders by threading cereal. Obviously I could only film myself making one but the ones in the trees were made by the children:

Then out in the forest we took bread, spread peanut butter on and dipped them into bird seed:

All the children really enjoyed making the feeders and we just have to hope that when we go out next week we can see whether they have eaten them all!


  1. We did this last winter and the birds loved them. Such a great winter activity and helping out the birds as wel #countrykids

  2. Not been able to check yet! We will be out next Friday to see... Children loved it!

  3. Emma Chanagasubbay6 December 2017 at 23:46

    This is such a simple but brilliant idea, I’m going to try this with my lot! #countrykids


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