
Tuesday, 3 October 2017

Lego: Hobbit and Lord of the Rings

My son enjoyed recreating events from the Lord of the Rings and Hobbit films so I bought him a few of the smaller Lego sets so that he could recreate them. Unlike me he doesn't enjoy building Lego so I have always had the fun of building them all! When we moved into this house the Lego was all jiggled about and things had come apart. Yesterday as part of getting his room a bit more respectable I decided to re-build as many of his sets as I could. The Tolkien themed ones were mostly in one container that made it easer to re-assemble (not got all the instructions so had to use Google). Now these are old sets the prices are much higher but I have added my affiliate links if you are a fan:

Lego Lord of the Rings Hobbit

I can't remember the last time Shelob actually had all her body parts attached:

Lego Lord of the Rings Shelob

The hook makes it possible to set her up for a proper attack:

Lego Lord of the Rings Shelob Attacks

Next up was the arrival of Gandalf although his hat and fireworks seem to have vanished for the moment:

Lego Lord of the Rings Gandalf Arrives

Luckily he didn't have a hat to lose when it was the wizard's battle with Saruman:

Lego Lord of the Rings Wizards' Battle

We seem to have mislaid Bilbo from his scene with Gollum although we have still got the ring:

Lego Hobbit Gollum

We could never afford the full Helm's Deep battle scene so we had to make do with the add on set with a small section of wall, a siege machine and a few characters (prices have gone up greatly now!):

Lego Lord of the Rings Uruk-Hai Army

The biggest set we had was the dwarves and the Wargs with the tree. I think the Wargs must be off somewhere chasing Bilbo as they weren't in the set:

Lego Lord of the Rings Wargs Attack

Next challenge is his Star Wars Lego...


  1. Sara (@mumturnedmom)3 October 2017 at 16:52

    That looks like a fun walk, and I think the beach is wonderful in any weather. As long as you have the right clothes, or can play rounders to warm up :) #countrykids

  2. Coombe Mill (Fiona)3 October 2017 at 21:49

    Looks like the kind of cold and damp day that really needed the good group of Friends you had to make it fun. I smiled at some of the photos, like the adults racing to the sea, there really is a little bit of kid in us all! A lovely looking walk and a wonderful beach in any weather.

    Thank you for sharing with me on #CountryKids

  3. I haven't been to Broadhaven beach what a great recommendation it looks perfect for a trip with friends.We're so lucky in the UK to have so much fantastic coastline to enjoy. #Countrykids

  4. What a great idea to go as a group with others in the same boat. Although officially married I'm single for the majority of the time and often find exploring new places with just my son rather daunting. Love the beavh even with good old British weather #CountryKids

  5. Yup as long as prepared for any weather!

  6. It’s tucked away but worth finding!

  7. The company was founded by a single mum not wanting to Holiday alone

  8. A group trip looks like a fun way to explore the beach even if the weather wasn't so good. A game of rounders sounds like the perfect way to warm up though :-) #countrykids


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