
Friday, 22 September 2017

Reasons to Cheerful: Autumn and Fun #R2BC

R2BC at Mummy from the Heart

It is now Autumn so my favourite season which gives me many reasons to smile! 

The linky is still in the hands of Michelle so please pop over there to join in... Meanwhile here are my reasons to be cheerful this week:

1) A fixed screen

I had a week of not being able to use most of my iPhone due to a smashed screen. Now after a home repair I can have my phone back. I just need to get the LCD panel off old one to get home button etc working!

2) Car booting

It was a long morning but we made a decent amount and got rid of plenty of surplus at our latest car boot:

3) All the fun of the fair

Torchlight means funfair time and my son had lots of fun both on his own and with friends on the rides. It makes me so glad that I don't have to go on some of them with him:

4) Secondary School Open Evenings

Even though my son had already decided which of our local secondaries he will go to next year (its the nearest one!) we still went to both open evenings this week. We skipped the heads' talks at both and just went for the fun activities! He enjoyed maths challenges and PE plus last night  chance to try out costumes in the drama department:

5) Victoria and Abdul

Last night we had a mostly girls' night out to see Victoria and Abdul. A bittersweet comedy which shows how poorly the Indian subjects of the British Empire were treated. It is based upon a true events although obviously embellished for cinema!

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