
Wednesday, 23 August 2017

#WordOfTheWeek Nostalgia - Jig-Map Jigsaws

We are having major sortings out and getting rid of lots of things at the moment and as always when you go rummaging in boxes you find old treasures that take you back... Before selling some jigsaws I thought it would be best to test them out to see if they were still intact. So my dad and I sat down to tackle one together - just like we used to do on Sundays in the days of black and white TV! We had a few of these Jig-Maps which combine puzzling and geography with their place name quiz:


I had forgotten how the pieces were all more unusual shapes than most jigsaws:

Some even abutted rather than connected to another piece which made it more complicated:

Eventually we managed to get all the countries in all the right places with just a few missing pieces. You know its an old map when it still has Yugoslavia on it!:

I then took the Australia map home to do on my own:

The advantage of this one is that all the edge pieces were sea and therefore blue. Of course very few of  them were straight but it didn't take too long to get them connected to the right shape:

I wonder what a modern version of the jig-map would contain:


  1. I know we had one of these but I can't remember which country or continent it was for. What a brilliant idea - they should re-issue them.

  2. we had at least 4 - these 2 plus Great Britain and USA (I have found that one!)


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