
Wednesday, 30 August 2017

#WordOfTheWeek Garden

When I looked out of my bedroom this morning my garden looked like this:

Basically for the last few months I have barely had time to mow the lawn let alone weed or trim the hedge (not that I have the right equipment!). Luckily for me some other members of my family are much more green-fingered than me and they are equipped for virtually any garden work. They came round after breakfast and with me achieved:

  •  2 weeded borders
  • a mown lawn with all grass to the back trimmed
  • a hedge tamed to a reasonable size
  • old guinea pig run removed
  • hardcore from previous tenants removed

It was just as well it was green bin day and they don't collect until lunch time as we filled 2.5 green wheelie bins (thanks to the neighbours!) and still had all of this to take to the tip:

It was lovely to look out of my window after lunch and see the transformed view:

So much more space and somewhere you would actually want to sit out in! Still things to do and next up is to relocate the compost bins right up to the back out of the way... watch this space...

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