3) Kindness & Support
I bumped into a friend in the supermarket and when I said I was buying myself some flowers she bought them for me! There are some tough things happening in our family but I know I have wonderful support from family and friends:
4) Operation House
I have spent almost every spare minute this holiday catching up on neglected housework and organisation! There is now a neater temporary store for my teaching resources, the downstairs is visitor friendly and I have added some nicer accessories to the bathroom to lift it:
5) Winning!
Back in May the children and I did the Kendal Colour Dash in aid of our local hospice St John's. There was a prize draw for anyone fundraising and we won £10 of local shop vouchers which I collected yesterday:
6) Fitness
Even though I only gained 2 lb on holiday (really not sure how I managed that!) I have come back determined to get back on track with getting fitter and healthier. So far I have run my fastest 2 km since October 2015 and a respectable 3 km. Yesterday I also walked 12,000 steps mostly playing Pokemon Go with my son (his missing phone turned up when we tidied the house!). So let's hope with running and walking I can be in reasonable shape when we go back to school in September:
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