
Thursday, 3 August 2017

Reasons to be Cheerful: All Sorts #R2BC

R2BC at Mummy from the Heart

This is the kind of week that reasons to be cheerful is made for when lots of things have gone wrong so you need to focus on the positives to lift your spirits! So its good to be back hosting the linky so I can post these reasons to be cheerful:

1) Pokemon Go Raiding

Thanks to a chance conversation in a shop we joined in with 2 group raids capturing our first legendary Pokemon! Looks like this will keep us out of mischief for a while:

2) House Sorting

I am enjoying having time to catch up on housework and get the house better organised. Quite a bit of decluttering and I am selling some now redundant bits of furniture. Hopefully end up before September with a house I can be a lot more proud of:

3) Orchid

This beautiful orchid was a leaving present from school and its looking gorgeous on my window sill:

4) New Playground

The new children's playground on our estate was officially opened by the mayor and a minion. Some of the children pictured had been campaigning for over 4 years to replace the old equipment:

5) Community Fun Day

To celebrate the new playground and bond the different parts of our community together we had a lottery funded fun day. Not only was there music and an afternoon tea but performances from Astral Circus:

It was fabulous to see lots of children playing together on the field and a chance for grown ups to chat and get to know each other.

6) Speedy 5k

In just over 31 minutes I ran my fastest 5k for quite some time and only 13 seconds off my all time PB. That definitely made for a huge smile:

Please join in and share the linky love!


  1. I'm also using the summer break to declutter an hope to get rid of some furniture too. Its great when the community comes together outdoors for some fun. And I absolutely love love love orchids. Have a wonderful weekend. xxx

  2. Well done on your 5K time, I hope that helped to make up for the things that went wrong this week. The playground and the celebration look great x


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