
Sunday, 16 April 2017

#CountryKids Easter Fun at Sizergh Castle

Country Kids

Today my son and I headed over to Sizergh Castle. We wanted to do the Easter trail around the grounds and even though it was damp we weren't the only ones following the signs:

I think it was the best one we have done there yet and there was plenty to spot and clues to solve including this chap on the pond:

The route took us passed the Stumpery which is looking resplendent with Spring growth:

It was amusing finding odd things in the bushes such as ducklings:

I was even allowed time (just) to appreciate the tulips in the borders and kitchen garden:

We were then taken through the apple orchard and passed the chickens:

For the first time the trail took us out of the gardens and onto the fields where there were squirrels to count:

In all the visits to Sizergh I have never been on this part of the grounds which is normally reserved for sheep! They had mowed a path through for us which was just as well on a damp weekend:

The sheep weren't too impressed by us invading their pasture and maintained a safe distance:

That was OK as we had ducklings to count:

and nesting creatures to spot:

We had lovely views of the castle from over the fence as we carried on our trail:

The last woodland creatures were these big eyed beauties:

Then we were allowed to re-enter the grounds via the private entrance to pick up his chocolate bunny:

After a bite to eat in the cafe the lure of Pokemon Go got us back into the grounds (there are 2 Pokestops and a gym!). This gave me a chance to appreciate the 100 year old Acers which look so much better than our tiny one:

Surprisingly my son agreed to go into the castle and we picked up the latest quiz sheet. This meant that we had to visit every room and take time to look around:

For some clues like in the cabinet I had to help him find the right object or he would have been there for ever:

Some clues were simple can you spot, others were counting and this one was to draw a pattern:

Back outside a ranger was making Jeremy Fisher move across the pond:

We then discovered that we had lost the Pokemon Gym so my son had one last battle before we headed home to dry out:

Having renewed our National Trust membership I am sure we will have many more adventures this year. 

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