
Friday, 17 March 2017

Review: Wild! Science Lava Lamp and Glitter Tube Lab and Wild! Science Competition


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When my 13 year old spotted the box of the Lava Lamp Kit it vanished very rapidly up to her bedroom! She has had a lava lamp in the past and was excited to have another one. So I left her to it to make it on her own and she took photographs as she went.... All she needed was to get some vegetable oil as everything else was included. The instructions were really well laid out and she didn't ask for any help at all:

All the equipment she needed was included and she just had to follow the simple instructions to create her home science project:

Once she had prepared all her mixture then she just had to assemble the lamp which has a push light in the bottom:

Then the tube was placed over the top:

Once the oil and water mixed with the created tablet the lava lamp worked:

She really enjoyed making it and has enough mixture to create it again - the instructions say that for safety you dispose of the mix once you have used the lamp. Apparently she really enjoyed making it and found it easy to do. The kit is for 8 years upwards and obviously younger users would need closer supervision.

If you buy one of the Wild Science Kits then you can enter into the Wild! Science Global Science Challenge. The Challenge is giving families (2 adults and 2 children) everywhere the chance to win:

  • A trip to Orlando Florida,
  • Entry to Disney World,
  • Accomodation t a 5-star resort for 7 days
  • Car hire for 7 days
  • A full set of Wild Science products
  • Entry to the Kennedy Space Centre to meet a real astronaut!

How to enter:

  1. Buy a Wild! Science Kit and send a receipt copy with your online application
  2. Design and create an awesome new Wild! Science Kit
  3. Write and illustrate a basic instruction book to show other kids how to use your awesome Wild! Science Kit.
Kits are available from suppliers such as Smyths Toys!

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