
Saturday, 23 July 2016

Kicking off the summer fitness campaign #UKFitnessBloggers

Well over the last few weeks the exercise has been poor, the diet worse and the weight has gone up... So when term finished on Thursday I kick started my summer fitness campaign with a 1 mile run around the block:

It felt good:

Then I walked to collect my son from school and we went into town to the library etc. I inspired him by saying I needed to hatch an egg in Pokemon Go:

Yesterday I made it down to the leisure centre for a Cyclone (aka Spinning) class to prove how tough it is I did a before and after selfie:

When I came home I had virtually all my 5 a day in one pop with this yummy salad:

Today was parkrun and this time a 3 generation affair for our family as my mum and aunt walked the route with my daughter tail running. It was a very hot day and I ended up running with a friend's twins after she had a nasty fall near the start. The meadow had just been mown so I hope the hay dries in time:

It was one of my slowest ever parkruns but the heat really got to me.

I was very relieved to finish:

I am going to enjoy myself this summer but I also want to make sure I start the new school year slimmer and healthier than I finished this last one! Onwards and downwards..

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