
Friday, 24 June 2016

#FitnessFriday A mixed bag

Well my lack of running over recent weeks (due to weekends away and work) really showed when I ran the 10 k Race for Life on Sunday (full post). It was hot and even though my legs were willing my body wasn't and my 9 year old beat me by 21 minutes with a time of 53 minutes!! Wish I had his boundless energy - although he is still recovering bless him.

On Wednesday I was working at a school where the class do a daily mile by walking or running for 15 minutes around the playground. Having discovered this on a previous visit I remembered to wear a sports bra and take my running shoes... I was the only person who ran for the whole 15 minutes although two boys sprinted a lot of it and walked the rest. Such a great idea to give children a brain break and to help their fitness.

In the evening it was my son's fell running training night up on the Helm:

As an adult helper I don't run as much as the children but we do have to do some quite steep bits to get to where they are doing their training! My favourite bit is the run back down to the road:

This morning I just had to get out and run following the election result! It was just my mile route that I hadn't run since January but it meant I could go for the speed rather than go steady.. Have to say it was tough going and I wasn't anywhere near the pace I managed in mid October but it was a sub 10 minute mile which hasn't happened for a long time:

Think I was pleased with myself:

Tomorrow is my first parkrun April (I am shocked its been that long!) so lets see how I go over 5k as we celebrate a belated Christmas event! 

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