
Thursday, 26 May 2016

Reasons to be Cheerful: 13 reasons #R2BC

R2BC at Mummy from the Heart

This is Michelle's last week hosting before she hands the baton back to me for June. Please feel free to poke me on a Wednesday night to remind me to set it all up! Its been great having her back and seeing some new bloggers and old hands all on board. As for my reasons this week I said in the title 13 and its not 13 individual reasons but the number of miles I ran/walked on Sunday. Here the reasons that made me smile:

1) Finishing

Wow I actually did it!

2) Making my kids proud

Both my children told me they were proud of me - that is something that I have never heard them both say to me!

3) Crossing the line with my kids

The best bit of the 13.1 miles was my children meeting me and making me sprint finish:

I am sure other things have made me happy this week but this will live with me forever!

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