
Monday, 18 January 2016

Money Monday

Last year after Christmas the coffers were well and truly empty as after being a student for more than half the year and only a bit of supply work last term not a lot of money had come in! So this year I have decided to try and save up some bits and pieces as the year goes on so that on the 1st January 2017 I have decent nest egg.

I am following two different schemes to boost my savings potential:
  1. Put in a penny to match the day of the year. So on January 1st it was 1p and on December 31st it will be £3.66 (with it being a leap year its an extra day..). This apparently should lead to over £600 by the end of the year!
  2. I am rewarding my exercise by putting in
    £1 for every run
    50 p for a gym workout or long walk
    20 p for a trip to the swimming pool with the kids
Its looking good so far and I wonder how much I will have saved up by December 31st?

Single Parent Pessimist

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