
Sunday, 31 January 2016

Fitness Friday (on Sunday!): Brathay Half Marathon training week 4 #ThisGirlCan

As I was back at hospital with my daughter on Friday I am a bit late with my normal Friday post! A combination of work, bad weather and a poorly daughter has paid havoc with my exercise but luckily I did manage to run on a couple of days. First up on Monday I went for a long run on my own following a route I did with my running club a fortnight before:

I was pleased to do the route faster than I did with the club even if not by a lot! Nice to have a few PRs for sections of the route too. 

I didn't get out to running club due to the wild weather so I missed out on a probable 4 mile run... Instead I went out on Wednesday morning and combined a trip to the bank with a 4 km run. On the way home I did some fartleks (walk/jog/run/jog/walk) using the lampposts along the canal path:

In the evening it was junior running so a few short quick runs but not a major workout!

On Thursday I went to a Meta Fit class at the leisure centre. This is high intensity exercise with short recovery sessions. Nice way to get sweaty!

Here's hoping I can squeeze in more running next week as my marathon is getting far too close...

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