
Thursday, 31 December 2015

Reasons to be Cheerful: 2015 Roundup #R2BC

Reasons to be Cheerful

I can't believe 2015 is coming to an end it has been such a busy year for my family and myself. Before I hand the hosting reins back to the lovely Ojo's World here are my biggest reasons to be cheerful for the last year:

1) A new home

We moved in the summer into a new place having finally got high enough up the housing list! Having a place we can a) feel secure in and b) make our own mark with our own choice of decor has been wonderful. My children have made new friends on our estate and we are finding the community spirit lovely. Yes its been hard work moving and decorating (with more to come!) but its made us all happier.

2) Qualifying

After an academic year of blood, sweat and tears I qualified as primary school teacher. This is something I had been dreaming of for quite some time so I am very cheerful about it! Now just to try and pin down one of the rare teaching jobs in our local area as whilst I am enjoying supply teaching I would love my own class.

3) My daughter

She finished her primary school era with brilliant results and has taken to secondary school subjects like a duck to water. Not only that but after less than a term of vocal lessons she performed solo on stage singing and was amazing! Let's hope that 2016 is an even better year for her. 

4) My son

He completed his first full season as a fell runner this year with second place in his age category. There is no way that I can keep up with him at all! Not only that but he has taken changing schools in his stride and is thriving at his new one which is 4 times the size of his old one.

Wishing all my readers a Happy and Healthy 2016

! Why are you smiling this week? Please link your posts and grab the badge...

Reasons to be Cheerful 

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