
Thursday, 6 August 2015

Reasons to be Cheerful: My family and other animals #R2BC

Reasons to be Cheerful

Back to hosting after the wonderful job done by Jo at Ojo's World and running late already! I had to dig deep for my reasons this week having spent most of it stuck in bed due to problems with my jaw and reacting to the meds.... However I am now mostly back on my feet so here is what kept me smiling through the pain:

1) Running bling

I had forgotten about some virtual races that I had signed up for so I was very pleased to get 3 lots of running bling through the post this week:

Virtual races mean that you can take part in an event with 100s of other people without having to travel miles to do so. Perfect when you live miles from most events like me:

2) My son having fun

My son has made a nice little group of friends in our new street. I sometimes fall over a group of them playing on our Wii but they are also often found outside playing cricket and football. He even got invited out to Barrow Baths with one of the boys:

3) Junior Masterchef

When left in charge of catering and a virtually empty fridge/larder my daughter came up with this clever corned beef and pepper patty with boiled potato. Pretty impressive age 11:

4) Baking

I made a couple of batches of cupcakes in time for the Great British Bakeoff last night:

5) Cuddles with the boys

I ought to have the guinea pigs on my lap more often its so relaxing to have them snuggled up all cosy:

Why are you smiling this week? Come and join in!

Reasons to be Cheerful 


  1. So glad you're starting to feel better, you've been really floore, haven't you! Love that your boy is making friends, the move was right for you. That beef and potatoes looks delicious, clever girl! Xxx

  2. Looking for Blue Sky6 August 2015 at 12:11

    Fantastic when you're children make friends so they can play out, I guess it's what we all want for them :) Sorry you've had a difficult week though and hope you continue to improve xx

  3. Lovely reasons and glad you're feeling better.
    Well done to your girl in her cooking and your son on making friends.
    Intrigued by that virtual racing, off for a read up!

  4. I love that sign! How lovely that they made a special sign to intrigue visitors!
    A lovely trail with lots to see and explore.
    That's for linkng up to #Whatevertheweather. :) x

  5. Glad you're getting settled in your new home and that you're going to be doing supply. I loved being a supply teacher xx

  6. I actually squealed out loud at the sign! I love fairies and all things magical and mythical. I love it when places do fun things like this to really spark imaginations. :-D This looks like such a lovely place to explore. I love days out like this. Thank you so much for linking up to #whatevertheweather x


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