
Thursday, 2 April 2015

#Reasons to be Cheerful: Easter holidays are here! #R2BC

Ojos World

The lovely Jo has taken the reins of host back this month so I can relax a bit! We will be in safe hands with her for the month of April. Here are my reasons to be cheerful this week:

1) Running fast

I surprised myself by equalling my 5km PB on Sunday! Seeing as the original one was done in a race with no pauses for road crossings etc I was impressed with myself for doing the same time under normal conditions:

2) Operation House

Nothing quite like your landlady coming round to prompt a major kick to house sorting! This included sorting out the main dumping area by the way in which I had put new storage in last year to keep it tidy (hadn't succeeded!). Let's hope we can keep it this way...

3) Bling

I finally got a proper medal rack for myself (and one for my son) so that our running medals get displayed properly. One day I will have a PB for all 4 distances...

4) Family

School holidays are a great time to catch up with our family which is spread across the country. This week my children got to reacquaint themselves with one 3rd cousin and meet another for the first time:

Hope you will join in sharing your happy posts?


  1. Great when you can get together with family, have a wonderful break. Mich x

  2. I'm glad to see you having a proper break, much deserved after all the hard work you've been putting in xx


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