
Sunday, 26 April 2015

Reasons to be Cheerful: Blog Love and Blipping! #R2BC

Ojos World

I am oh so late joining the lovely Jo at Ojo's World with reasons to be cheerful! Life is just far too busy and I haven't blogged over a week... Any way my reasons to be cheerful are:

1) Blog love

Seeing my much neglected blog pop back into the "Tots 100" top 200 at 186! 

April 20152679186Up 14

I know that is because I may not post much on the blog but when I do it is good quality. I also engage with people on social media and my photos recently on Instagram have been extremely popular recently. 

2) Blipfoto

Hard to believe I have been on Blipfoto for 5 years! It has honed my photography and I have made new friends. These are my most popular photos over the years:

3) Running

Its been quite a week running wise. My daughter finally got the running bug and joined him in a fun run:

Then I ran the 10 k St George's Day race! 

And the next day my daughter and I did the colour dash in Kendal:

No wonder I haven't had time to blog!


  1. Looking for Blue Sky27 April 2015 at 17:36

    Congratulations on the Tots and the running and your photos are one of the reasons I keep visiting x

  2. Wow you've done a lot of running this week! You mad woman (I still can't do more than, around, 30 seconds) xx


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